While we were in Sanibel this year I suspected I might be pregnant and well....I WAS RIGHT!! Jeff and I were so excited that we couldn't wait to tell his Mom and our boys while we we together in Sanibel. She was thrilled about our news and Owen was too. Grant wasn't so sure, his only comment was "that is so funny!" We then thought we would wait to tell other family members and friends after I had seen a doctor. Owen took the matter into his own hands at Jake Zollinger's birthday party and told his friend Tyler that I was expecting and the news spread like wildfire. It really was pretty cool how it happened because I wasn't sure how I was going to tell everyone and who to tell first. We then called pretty much everyone we knew that day and the word was out!
I finally saw the doctor yesterday and I was confirmed 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant! I am due November 26th--the day before Thanksgiving! We are thrilled and so excited for number three!
Here's a picture of Grant at 1 month and Owen was 2 years 3 month old. Oh it will be nice to hold a baby again :)!