Jeff and his friend Tim and 6 other of our crazy friends signed up for the Muddy Buddy Ride & Run Series, a 6-7 mile event with biking, running, obstacles, and of course the infamous mud pit on May 10th 2008. They had all had great race and dispite sketchy training by some they all finished the race unharmed!!! Jeff and Tim finished in 55 mins and 48 seconds--first of all of our friends that went that day and finished 13th in their division.

The kids got a part of the action after the race when they got to do a mini obstacle course and then crawl through the mud pit. They loved it! Grant wasn't sure he wanted to do it but decided at the last minute he would race but he would walk not crawl throught the mud pit with his friend Jake Z.! It was halarious!!!! Check out the pictures!