Grant played Pop Warner--Tiny Mites/Celebration Storm tackle football this year with Daddy as his coach. Grant played defensive line and had a great season. We weren't sure how he would do with football because Grant can be a bit "dramatic" when he is hurt and we were worried how he would do with being tackled on a daily basis. Grant insisted on playing this year and while he did have a few "dramatic" episodes we quickly found out that he wasn't the only one...5-7 year olds really don't have a clue what they are in for with tackle football. Coach Jeff, also didn't anticipate what a challenge it would be to have 5-7 year olds understand football and to have them actually execute plays and pay attention!
With that being said , the Tiny Mites had a really good season(for Celebration) with 1 win 2 ties and 5 losses. They were the first celebration Tiny Mite team to ever win a game(this is only our second season in Celebration)
I think Grant actually had a good time playing football but has stated he thinks he'll "take a year off" and then play again! Until next year!!!